

Sex and animals are usually classified as special tastes and are usually restricted to mature adults who can or supposed to be able to differentiate the rights and wrongs.

Some readers will find this sort of abnormal and abused sex relationship with animals extraordinarily exciting, either human males with female animals or human weman with male animals. The main explaination for such strange response mainly comes from the sense of curiosity and the normal social condenmation of such sex behaviour.

It is a common sense that the more you are prohibited to view anything, the more stronger sense of curiosity you are eager to explore. The normal human sex behaviour between the human males and females are supposed to be bestowed by God, it is socially and morally acknowledged. But once any sex behaviours go beyound such limits, they will immediately arouse social uproarings of accusations and condenmations because those who commit such animal like sex acts are totally off track the moral standard of the society.

Why do we have "Peeping Toms" who are to dig out the hidden secrets of couples making love in their bed room? Why do we have spy cameras hidden somewhere in the bed room or sitting room or batch room to catch images which they never have the chance to watch in the public? All these come from one thing - curiosity comes as a result of prohibited social law and order.

It is such a strange and abnomal taste in biased sex acts that make videos about animal sex have a market. But whether such type of videos meet the tast of the other viewers is another story. At least provided they can attract some viewers and gain back money of what they have invested will be more than enough.

The Japanese film world have been a strong follower of the USA undergroung film productions. Previously they do not have such obscene films like animal sex, but by copying the ideas or concepts from the foreign countries, they succesfully produce adult films which are even more daring and obscene than the other countries. The characters of the Japanese AV are not only young, but are charming and beautiful too. This has made their productions exceed most of the other countries and gain lots of profits.

It has been said the reasons why the Japanese films such animal sex, SM, bondage, sex abusions and many other sex harrassment such as rapings are so popular just because the Japanese Government has half closed their eyes to allow the exporting of such films to overseas to gain back some return of foreign currencies. They do so because Japan has been suffering from economic recession for more than 10 years. They are badly in need of money to support their collapsing economy, so such an underground business, which has made a trmendous profit, has contributed quite a lovely sum of tax to the Government which is badly in need of monetary resources.

One more alarming reason is that such indecent exported films are aimed to ruin or destroy the normal healthy mentality of the younger generations of the other coutries, especially China. Once these younger generations have indulged in such sexually biased film world, they will lose their aim in life and in the long term they will weaken their strength as the pillars to support their countries. I hope this saying is not true.

The writer of this article has said not to take animal sex to be too serious, but taking into the account of the long term distortion and damage to the moral value of the younger generations which are so important to our future world and community, we think such advocations should be condenmed instead of encouraging.
  • 太昊 金币 +20 你的发言非常精彩,请再接再厉! 2009-3-21 13:26


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